Exercises and Further Reading

Exercise: Separate Front-End from Polls application

Re-write the front-end of the Polls application in a front-end framework of your choice, e.g. React, Angular or Vue.js, instead of using Django templates. You can use the REST API we created as the data source for for your front-end application.

Kubernetes in Under 3 Hours

Read the “Learn Kubernetes in Under 3 Hours” guide here: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/learn-kubernetes-in-under-3-hours-a-detailed-guide-to-orchestrating-containers-114ff420e882 and learn how to install Minikube to run Kubernetes locally.

Exercise: Create a Kubernetes (Minikube) deployment of the Polls application

Using Minikube, create a local Kubernetes deployment of the Polls application and experiment with changing the number of replicas required of each container (front-end, back-end, MySQL).